BOFA Mock Test QCPS Parent Offer
Queen's College Prep School has an agreement with BOFA® to offer free additional Mock Tests for your child when you make a Consortium Mock Test purchase.
If you wish to purchase Mock Tests for your child, BOFA® has given parents of QCPS the special deal below.
3 BOFA® Mock Tests cost £55.
6 BOFA® Mock Tests cost £105, plus 3 free, therefore 9 BOFA® Mocks for £105.
To get 3 free, purchase 6 BOFA® Mock Tests and email [email protected], using the code QCPS MOCK TEST and your child’s BOFA® username.
Many of you will not have had a BOFA account before so we will try and explain the steps in more detail below:
- Register as a parent or log in on this website
- Go to the shop and purchase either 3 or 6 Mock Tests
- Email BOFA from your parent username/email address whilst logged in with; your child’s BOFA username & school code e.g.:
- j.bloggs2024
Your free BOFA® Mocks will be added to your child's account within 24 hours.
Take a look at the following video tutorials to find out more about BOFA® Pre-tests, BOFA® 8+ to 12+ Adaptive tests and the BOFA® purchasing process.